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Shoulder Injury? No Problem
Kellyn Jeremy Kellyn Jeremy

Shoulder Injury? No Problem

Shoulder injuries can be frustrating, especially when your work involves repetitive movements or lifting, like repositioning patients, grading papers, or carrying heavy bags. Fortunately, restorative and yin yoga provide a safe way to gently stretch, strengthen, and heal your shoulders without aggravating the injury.

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Understanding the 8 Limbs of Yoga
Kellyn Jeremy Kellyn Jeremy

Understanding the 8 Limbs of Yoga

Did you know that yoga goes beyond just physical postures or asanas? Continue reading for a brief introduction to each of the 8 limbs of yoga and how they can enhance your restorative yoga practice.

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Gentle Yoga Poses for Back Pain
Kellyn Jeremy Kellyn Jeremy

Gentle Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Gentle yoga poses can be a mind-body therapy helping to aid in relieving back pain and the stress that accompanies it. Practicing yoga can help you become more aware of your body and notice where you're holding tension in the your body.

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Pranayama and Your Practice
Kellyn Jeremy Kellyn Jeremy

Pranayama and Your Practice

Including pranayama into your daily practice can bring new meaning to how you practice yoga. Here's how you can make breath work part of your practice today.

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The Best Yoga Props
Kellyn Jeremy Kellyn Jeremy

The Best Yoga Props

Yoga props like blocks and bolster serve a purpose in a variety of yoga practices. Here's a list of my favorites and alternatives you can use if you don't have my listed items available.

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Time for Meditation
Kellyn Jeremy Kellyn Jeremy

Time for Meditation

Making time for self-care can seem like an out of reach tasks. But when you make time for meditation it can change your life.

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What is yoga?
Kellyn Jeremy Kellyn Jeremy

What is yoga?

Yoga is something you live off and on the mat. It is something that takes times, reflection and deep connection to yourself and the world around you.

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Yoga Practices
Kellyn Jeremy Kellyn Jeremy

Yoga Practices

When you’re ready to engage in a yoga practice, the style of yoga you choose is very important. Start with focusing on what meets your needs physically, mentally and spiritually.

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