Shoulder Injury? No Problem

Disclaimer: Always consult a physician before engaging in exercises, especially with an injury.

Yoga for People with a Shoulder Injury

Shoulder injuries can be frustrating, especially when your work involves repetitive movements or lifting, like repositioning patients, grading papers, or carrying heavy bags. Fortunately, restorative and yin yoga provide a safe way to gently stretch, strengthen, and heal your shoulders without aggravating the injury.

Gentle Poses for Healing

  1. Thread the Needle: While on all fours, slide one arm under the other to rest your shoulder and ear on the mat. This pose provides a gentle stretch and helps relieve tension in the shoulder joint.

  2. Supported Fish Pose: Place a bolster lengthwise under your spine and allow your arms to drape to the sides, palms up. This posture opens the chest and shoulders, releasing tightness.

  3. Wall Angels: Stand with your back against a wall, and slowly move your arms up and down as if making "snow angels." This is a great mobility exercise that can be done during breaks at work.

Daily Practices to Support Recovery
Integrate shoulder stretches and mobility exercises into your daily routine. Use heat therapy before yoga to warm up the muscles and cold packs after to reduce inflammation. Pay close attention to your posture throughout the day and make simple adjustments, like relaxing your shoulders and sitting upright can prevent further strain.

What next?
Recover at your own pace with our personalized yoga classes. Our online sessions, tailored to support shoulder injuries, will guide you through safe, restorative practices. Choose from one-on-one coaching or join a supportive group class. Click here to start your healing journey.

image shot at Ara Ha


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