What is yoga?
This is a great question to ask yourself when thinking about beginning your own yoga practice. It goes beyond good vibes and poses (asanas). Yoga is something you live off and on the mat. It is something that takes times, reflection and deep connection to yourself and the world around you.
Defining yoga from a Western perspective you will find that yoga consists of a series of movements and breathing exercises. But, the word “yoga” comes from Sanskrit and means “to join,” or “to unite,” symbolizing the union of body and consciousness. In reality yoga is not just a form exercise, but a lifestyle that for many encompasses a philosophy of prioritizing balance in all aspects of life.
If you have been thinking about starting your own yoga practice, begin by reflecting on what yoga means to you. What will it mean to you mentally, physically and spiritually? How will you incorporate the philosophy of yoga into your everyday life? Once you’ve done some reflection, getting into community with other yoga practitioners will help you to decide what comes next.
photo shot at Aro Ha